Mycabbages Cosplay is coming to GSAF 25’
Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo

Mycabbages Cosplay is coming to GSAF 25’

Mycabbages cosplay has been making things since she escaped the womb, and acquired a bachelor's of science in fashion design, leading to a career of working in graphics and apparel for popular entertainment brands and licenses. This has only prepared her to sew, knit, and crochet her cosplays to life.

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Pretty Girls Like Anime will be at GSAF 24’
Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo Cosplay Guest Eric Bellomo

Pretty Girls Like Anime will be at GSAF 24’

Garden State Anime Fest is proud to welcome Pretty Girls Like Anime to GSAF April 20-21st Ro is a New Jersey cosplayer who has been cosplaying for quite a while and has been attending conventions for 10 years. Away from the convention scene Ro is a licensed Aesthetician and Makeup Artist as well as a model.

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